Better Life Hospital , (location, helpline number, address, specialist doctor list) :-
Better Life Hospital , location, helpline number, address, specialist doctor list! Hello dear, welcome to Better Life Hospital , doctor list, hotline number, address & more info content. In bangladesh, the Better Life Hospital , is a popular hospital. So, many people are searching, how to know Better Life Hospital , address, contact number, specialist doctor list and official website.
So, we update here all details contact information about the Better Life Hospital , doctor list, exact location, email, mobile number. We hope this content help to know all information about the Better Life Hospital , bangladesh.
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Better Life Hospital , address, contact number, email and website:

Better Life Hospital
Address: Road-1, East Rampura, Dhaka-1219;
(1, 1 Sahid Muktijoddha Faruk Iqbal And Taslim Rd).
Request an Appointment: PABX (02) 8836000 , 8836444;
Hotline: (Any Query) 10666;
Customer Relation Department 0191 400 1313, 0191 400 1366, 0191 400 1244;
Emergency / Ambulance: 0191 400 1234;
Duty Manager: 0191 400 1399;
Executive Health Check: (02) 8836000,8836444 ext – 8127 / 8120;
Phone: 09639786786, 09678786787;
Chittagong info Center: 0191 400 1210;
Sylhet info Center: 0191 400 1211;
Opening Hours:
MONDAY~FRIDAY: 8.00–17.00;
SATURDAY: 9.30 – 17.30;
SUNDAY: 9.30 – 15.00;
Email: [email protected];
Better Life Hospital , doctor visiting fee/charge:
- Normal:
- Priority patient specialist fee: (500+) tk.
Better Life Hospital , opening hour:
- Saturday: open 24 hours
- Sunday: open 24 hours
- Monday: open 24 hours
- Tuesday: open 24 hours
- Wednesday: open 24 hours
- Thursday: open 24 hours
- Friday: open 24 hours
Better Life Hospital , doctor list:
Contact in this Hospital.
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